This replica features Cerakote paint.
The Japanese firm Tokyo Marui specialises in the manufacture of replica airguns. The quality and performance of its products have enabled it to establish itself as a leader in the Airsoft world.
The Tokyo Marui manufacturer has designed an excellent replica crafted in ABS with an exemplary black finish for a look very close to full metal. There's a stock with safety and a 28-round metal magazine.
The replica has been designed to look like a full metal gun.
On the breech are the finely screen-printed "OPS TACTICAL .45" markings under Marui licence. There is also a Picatinny rail under the barrel.
This model features a very fast Blowback system, excellent range as well as an adjustable Hop-Up system for breathtaking accuracy. This is one of the best replica handguns on the market!
This is one of the best replica handguns on the market!
Important note concerning the use of this product: This product is a replica weapon intended for recreational use (role-playing games) known as "airsoft", the sale of which is prohibited to minors (under 18 years of age). By adding this product to your basket, you acknowledge that you are over 18 and that you are familiar with the basic safety rules for using this type of replica (wearing protective glasses and/or mask, suitable location, etc.).
Please note that the power ratings given for airsoft replicas may vary depending on supplier availability. We invite you to contact us for more details before your purchase in order to have a more precise measurement carried out by us. Consequently, OPS-Store cannot be held responsible for any discrepancies between supplier data and actual measurements.